The latest upgrade of network services has introduced GroupServ.
GroupServ is a services pseudo-client which allows projects using the network to register their group with network services. Registering a group allows projects to join together one or more nicknames, groups can then be added to channel access lists. A group has a name, a description, a registration date, a privacy setting, a list of administrators, and a list of members. A group name starts with an @ (“AT”) character to distinguish it from nicknames. The lists of administrators and members can contain accounts (nicknames).
In particular, using GroupServ allows everybody to create and administer, or drop a group, list non-private groups, query information about a group
Register a group
Use the command /msg GroupServ REGISTER @<groupname> <description>
register a group. Please use common sense when registering a group, for example
if channel #oftc
wanted to register a group, they would register
, or @oftc-users
Configure a group
Sets the URL field on a group for display purposes only. The URL address is
shown in the INFO command. Use the command /msg GroupServ SET @<groupname>
URL <url>
to set the URL field, or /msg GroupServ SET @<groupname> URL
to clear the URL field.
Sets the e-mail field on a group for display purposes only. The e-mail address
is shown in the INFO command if PRIVATE is not set. Use the command /msg
GroupServ SET @<groupname> EMAIL <email>
to set the e-mail field.
Sets the private flag on a group which prevents an e-mail address being shown in
an INFO request, and also prevents a group showing in a LIST. Use the command
/msg GroupServ SET @<groupname> PRIVATE ON|OFF
to enable or disable this
View group information
Use the command /msg GroupServ INFO @<groupname>
to get information on a
group. GroupServ will then echo all information that services know about that
group, excluding e-mail addresses for private groups.
List groups
Use the command /msg GroupServ LIST <pattern>
to list registered groups
that match a specified pattern. For example if you wanted to list all groups
that contained the word oftc
then use /msg GroupServ LIST *oftc*
Results are limited to 50 matches, so try to be specific with a pattern. Groups
that have the private flag enabled will not be listed.
Drop a group
To delete a group use the command /msg GroupServ DROP @<groupname>
Deleting a group cannot be undone and is the only method of allowing other users
to make use of it, or register it for their use.
For support regarding group services please join #oftc