April 09, 2016

  • We have completed the move to SSL certificates issued by the Let’s Encrypt project. These certificates should remove the need for users to manually install any CA certificate files. Please drop by on #oftc or mail support@oftc.net if you have any troubles with the new certificates.

    OFTC would like to thank Software in the Public Interest for providing us with certificate services over the last years, when non-commercial SSL certificates were a scarce resource.

    Update 2016-04-19: Users who have hard-coded paths to CA files in their client config will need to update or remove that config. Especially irssi users are hit by this problem. Removing ssl_cafile from ~/.irssi/config (but leaving ssl_verify in place) should fix it. (Note that /reconnect does not use the new config, use /reload /disconnect /connect instead.)

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